Chocolate Smoothie for Hormones and Stress

Oh how we need this support at any age. Our hormones are what control us on every level. Our immune system, our intellect, our moods, our heart health, our temperature (are we hot or cold), our skin and every other functioning aspect of our incredible, magical machine we call our “bodies”adaptogen. We’ve included adaptogens in […]

The Gift of Giving

Giving gifts is a big part of the holiday season. Deciding on the perfect present, rushing to the store to get it, and then wrapping it up just in time to gift is the thrill of the holidays. But, giving gifts isn’t all that we should be thinking about – being grateful and helping others […]

I Need To Get Out of the Way For My Life To Move Forward

Erinn and I attended a retreat last week that was simply epic for us. Not to mention we got to do a road trip and that is one of our most favourite things to do – hanging out in a car and simply being with each other to talk and laugh and do a little business […]

#SelfCareSunday: Admitting to Email Addiction

  By definition: “Spiritual self-care is the activity we engage in to find and nurture a sense of connection to a Higher Power and meaning for our lives. … Regardless of where you find spiritual meaning, a certain amount of effort and discipline are necessary for establishing and maintaining spiritual nurturance.”   Lately, I’m feeling […]

What the World Needs Right Now

Kelly’s Bake Shoppe is more than just cupcakes. Their is magic in this business. There is magic in Downtown Burlington. It may look like they are in the cupcake business but it really is so much bigger than that. Listen to Kelly’s story. She shares a glimpse of what their bake shoppe is really all about. […]

Essential Oils for Your Health

Essential oils are a natural solution to many everyday health problems. From headaches to skin conditions, each essential oil has its benefits and can be used for a wide variety of issues. As more people today try to stray away from traditional medicinal ingredients, alternative methods like essential oils are becoming more and more popular. […]

How I Balanced My Hormones

  Ashwagandha has been helping me for over 2 months now with hormone balancing, sleeping at night, and I swear, magically, minimizing my stress levels. (Ashwagandha is also known as Indian Ginseng, Poison Gooseberry, Winter Cherry, and Padalsingh). I had done some reading and research over the past few months regarding menopause and hormone fluctuations and […]

Ashwagandha – This is Why My Hormones Are AWESOME

Ashwagandha has been helping me for over 2 months now with hormone balancing, sleeping at night, and I swear, magically, minimizing my stress levels. (Ashwagandha is also known as Indian Ginseng, Poison Gooseberry, Winter Cherry, and Padalsingh). I had done some reading and research over the past few months regarding menopause and hormone fluctuations and the […]

K+E Escape: Victoria B.C

  Travelling to the west coast of Canada was more than I ever expected and envisioned. As soon as I stepped off the plane (direct flight from Toronto to Victoria via Air Canada Rouge) I could smell the fresh air. Clean and crisp with no humidity. The scent of the trees and seawater was truly […]

Oh Canada. You're 150 Year's Old

  Oh Canada. We take you for granted. We know we do. We have freedom and opportunity like nowhere else on the planet. We have healthy food, clean water, freedom to love who we want. We have great weather, warm homes, love seats, comfy beds, blankets and air conditioning too. Automobiles, plenty of gas, cottages, […]